Gateway 1



Gateway 1 evaluates providers for their HQIM or content area expertise.  Professional learning providers can prove their expertise in:

  • An HQIM for applicants applying for initial implementation, ongoing implementation support for teachers, ongoing implementation support for leaders in Gateway 2) or 
  • A content area for application applying for adoption.


Total Indicators: 2 | Minimum Passing Score: 2 out of 2 points

Professional learning provider demonstrates an understanding of the HQIM’s approach, design principles, and structure/components.

2 points:

  • Professional learning provider is the author or publisher of the HQIM in which they claim to have expertise, or
  • Professional learning provider has a letter of assurance from the author or publisher of the HQIM attesting to their expertise, or
  • Professional learning provider describes the approach, design principles, and structure/components of the HQIM, and how it supports student achievements of grade-level content, and
  • Professional learning provider’s response is accurate, specific, and comprehensive.

1 point:

  • Professional learning provider describes the approach, design principles, and/or structure/components of the HQIM, and/or how the HQIM supports student achievement of grade-level content; however, the professional learning provider’s response contains some inaccuracies about the HQIM, and/or is vague and/or scant.

0 points:

  • Professional learning provider is not the author or publisher of the HQIM in which they claim to have expertise, and
  • Professional learning provider does not have a letter of assurance from the author or publisher of the HQIM attesting to their expertise, or
  • Professional learning provider does not describe the approach, design principles, and/or structure/components of the HQIM, and/or how the HQIM supports student achievement of grade-level content, or
  • Professional learning provider’s response contains significant inaccuracies.

Evidence Collection

Reviewers look for and record:

  • The HQIM in which the professional learning provider claims to have expertise.
  • For question 5, the provider describes a method and clear examples for differentiating session materials for curricula published across multiple platforms (if applicable).
  • The extent to which the professional learning provider describes the approach, design principles, and structure/components of the HQIM, and how the HQIM supports student achievement of grade-level content. 
    • Is their response accurate? 
    • Is it specific, or is it vague?
    • Is it comprehensive?


Professional learning provider demonstrates an understanding of the content standards and shifts, and the HQIM that align with them.

2 points:

  • The professional learning provider describes which HQIM are aligned with the ELA and math shifts, math practices, and/or the 3 Dimensions (science), and
  • Demonstrates understanding of the role that HQIM plays in bringing the content standards and shifts or 3 Dimensions to light in the classroom, and
  • Uses updated and/or recent vetted tools that are used to support materials selection.

1 point:

  • The professional learning provider does not describe which HQIM are aligned with the ELA and math shifts, math practices, and/or the 3 Dimensions (science), or
  • Does not demonstrate an understanding of the role that HQIM plays in bringing the content standards and shifts or 3 Dimensions to light in the classroom, or
  • Does not use updated and/or recent vetted tools to support materials selection.

0 points:

  • The professional learning provider does not describe which HQIM are aligned with the ELA and math shifts, math practices, and/or the 3 Dimensions (science), and
  • Does not demonstrate an understanding of the role that HQIM plays in bringing the content standards and shifts or 3 Dimensions to light in the classroom and supports the adoption of HQIM that are aligned to the ELA and math shifts, math practices, and/or the 3 Dimensions (science), and 
  • Does not use updated and/or vetted tools to support materials selection.

Evidence Collection

Reviewers look for and record:

  • Evidence that the professional learning provider understands what constitutes HQIM alignment with the ELA and math shifts, math practices, and/or 3 Dimensions (science). This may include:
    • Coherence and consistency with the standards.
    • Extensive work with grade-level tasks and texts to meet the full intent of grade-level standards.
    • Alignment to expectations for rigor and the mathematical practices.
    • Text quality and complexity.
    • Building knowledge with texts, vocabulary, and tasks.
    • Alignment to standards and research-based practices for foundational reading skills instruction.
    • Design for the NGSS.
  • Evidence that the professional learning provider names specific HQIM materials and accurately describes why they align to the standards, shifts, and/or 3 Dimensions (science). This may include information about:
    • The structure and content of the units and/or scope and sequence.
    • The structure and content of the lessons and/or instructional practices.
    • The types of tasks and/or texts included in the HQIM.
  • Evidence that the professional learning provider understands which tools and resources are available to measure HQIM alignment to the standards, shifts, and/or 3 Dimensions (science). Tools must be updated and/or recent (less than 10 years old). 


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