
Revolutionizing Professional Learning Contracts: How Outcomes Based Contracting Can Transform Curriculum-Based Professional Learning
Do you remember the last time you heard about a new professional learning course coming your way? Did you feel excited, nervous, or perhaps curious ...
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Instructional Visions Matter; Here’s How to Create One.
When my daughter was three, we giggled at Laura Numeroff’s book, If You Give a Mouse a Cookie. Every time we thought the mouse was ...
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Implementing HQIM with Multilingual Learners? Make Sure Your Professional Learning Plan Is Up to the Task.
As states and districts work to actualize the promise of high-quality instructional materials for all students, they seek to center multilingual learners within curriculum-based professional ...
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Making the Case for Curriculum-Based Professional Learning: 3 Ways to Unlock Deeper Insights Into Curriculum Implementation
In a world where the answers to many questions can be displayed with a few single keystrokes, so much of our knowledge about how students ...
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A New Roadmap for Curriculum Implementation
In a recent professional learning session, the facilitator talked about the “trauma” that teachers have experienced the past several years without a roadmap for curriculum ...
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Hiring an External Professional Learning Provider Shouldn’t Be a Gamble
“Next year, we’re scaling back [our external coaching vendors]. It’s expensive, and if we’re not gonna see the impact of it, and if our partners ...
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Navigating Instructional Materials Implementation: Innovation & Sustainability
This blog is the final post in our “Navigating Instructional Materials Implementation” series, exploring the five implementation phases of high-quality instructional materials, also known as HQIM. In ...
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Navigating Instructional Materials Implementation: Consistent Implementation
In this blog, we will examine the critical steps that school and district leaders should consider as they move through the advanced stages of implementation ...
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Navigating Instructional Materials Implementation:  Initial Implementation, Part Two
While the initial implementation phase can seem simple, as we stressed in our November blog, this is the point in the high-quality instructional materials (HQIM) implementation ...
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Navigating Instructional Materials Implementation:  Initial Implementation Part One
In October, we discussed the program installation phases where district and school leaders create conditions for a successful curriculum launch for teachers and experience for ...
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Past, Present & Future | An interview with the founders of Rivet Education
Rivet Education has been making a solid footprint in the education industry through its partnerships with state and local agencies to scale the implementation of ...
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Navigating Instructional Materials Implementation: Program Installation
In September, we discussed the exploration phase in the instructional materials implementation journey, where stakeholders come together to review and select a new curriculum. Once ...
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Navigating Instructional Materials Implementation: Exploration of Materials
Implementation science suggests that people often move through predictable stages when enacting a new program (such as a new curriculum) over multiple years. While every ...
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Education’s Cinderella: How to Maximize the Promise and Impact of RFPs
When you hear the phrase “request for proposal” or “RFP,” you might feel a slight shudder through your body. For those of us who have ...
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Make Your Side-Hustle Your Dream Job
A 40-hour workweek is a dream for most teachers nationwide. To clock in at 8:00 A.M. and clock out at 5:00 P.M. and leave your ...
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Eliminating the Mystique of External Professional Learning Providers
Rivet recently interviewed district leaders about planning professional development to support the implementation of high-quality instructional materials (HQIM). In the 30 interviews we conducted, not ...
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The Call for a “No Shame Zone” in Professional Learning
Daily, educators carry the weight of always having to have the answers. The reality is that education, like all other professions, is constantly evolving to ...
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Introducing the Professional Learning Partner Guide 2.0: A Highly-Regarded Resource Gets an Upgrade
Two years ago, we set out to solve an important problem in K–12 Education: a growing number of high-quality professional learning providers had emerged, each ...
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Pro Tips on Using ESSER Funds to Accelerate Student Learning
“We know how to help you spend your ESSER funds to increase student achievement!”
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The Value of Bringing in an Expert to Select a New Reading Curriculum
We can’t say this loudly enough: to ensure an effective adoption process; districts should ‘phone a friend’ and find an expert partner to navigate this ...
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A Timely Reminder: There Are No Silver Bullets, Even With Professional Learning
The hard truth: professional learning in absence of curriculum has a weak track record for changing student outcomes, even with sizable investments. “Curriculum is not ...
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Conditions for Effective Professional Learning
At Rivet, we know that the types and content of educator professional learning matter greatly. We also know that the best professional learning will fall ...
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Curriculum-Based Professional Learning: The State of the Field
In this blog, we summarize CPRL’s recommendations for state education agencies (SEAs) and professional learning organizations, two of the key actors identified in the report, ...
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Leaders Need High-Quality Professional Learning, Too
Leaders play a vital role in implementing high-quality instructional materials (HQIM) and require specific professional learning to be effective instructional leaders in their schools and ...
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Looking Beyond Workshops to Launch High-Quality Instructional Materials: One District’s Journey
The research is clear: high-quality instructional materials (HQIM) can positively impact teacher practice, classroom instruction, and student achievement. However, launching a new curriculum can be ...
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Professional Learning: Focus On Quality Versus Time
"None of the new research reviews find a positive relationship between the length of teachers' attendance and student outcomes, and one actually identified a potentially ...
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