Curriculum-Based Professional Learning
Curriculum-based professional learning (CBPL) supports and strengthens instruction that leverages high-quality instructional materials (HQIM). It’s uniquely powerful, connecting content knowledge and instructional strategies to the materials teachers use in their classrooms. CBPL goes beyond the initial product training to provide both teachers and leaders with the ongoing, job-embedded, dynamic support needed to use HQIM skillfully.
Rivet Education’s Framework for Curriculum-Based Professional Learning defines for educators the characteristics, types, and structures that construct high-quality, curriculum-based professional learning. This framework guides Rivet’s work and builds the field’s understanding of the essential components and characteristics of strong curriculum-based professional learning.

How can cbpl help?
CBPL is one of the most crucial elements of a curriculum implementation plan. Implementing HQIM often requires profound shifts in responsibilities and practices—changes which vary by role and by implementation phase. CBPL provides curriculum-grounded guidance to ensure all educators have what they need to excel in their roles.
Rivet Education understands that providing teachers and leaders with CBPL is hard work. It requires a commitment of time, capacity, and money that education leaders do not have in abundance. We’re here to help.
what tools does rivet offer to support cbpl?
Framework for High-Quality Professional Learning
This framework defines the characteristics, types, and structures of CBPL. Use it to inform your CBPL plan and systems.
This 5-minute diagnostic assesses the quality of a professional learning plan and systems grounded in HQIM. Receive a color-coded report (green/yellow/red) to help make informed decisions about how to improve.
Professional Learning Partner Guide (PLPG)
This searchable database features organizations that have passed a rigorous review process and are certified to provide the highest-quality CBPL services.
Our Professional Learning Partner Playbook provides three categories of guidance on selecting, interviewing, hiring, and managing partners into three categories: (1) Reviewing, Selecting, and Onboarding (2) Questions and Optimal Interview Responses (3) Effectively Managing Multiple Partners Effectively