The Supply and Demand of Curriculum-Based Professional Learning 2024

This research brief synthesizes data from five research partners and Rivet to provide key insights into the current state of curriculum-based professional learning (CBPL) in the market.


The report:

  • Highlights current data on the supply and demand for CBPL
  • Highlights CBPL’s impact on teacher practice and student outcomes
  • Informs CBPL decision-making, service offerings, and funding strategies to align with field demands


With longitudinal data addressing 12 key research questions, this brief provides a comprehensive look at the demand, supply, and impact of CBPL, supporting leaders in making data-driven decisions.

Related Resources
Professional Learning Partner Guide

Search a vetted directory of partners by curriculum, professional learning focus, and location to find the best match for your district’s needs.

Framework for High-Quality, Curriculum-Based Professional Learning

Rivet Education’s framework defines the characteristics, types, and structures that construct high-quality, curriculum-aligned professional learning.

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