Partner Profile


We partner with educators to improve instruction, especially for historically marginalized students, so all kids thrive.

was approved for the PLPG in

July 2023


The “Types of support we offer” and “Our curriculum expertise” are evaluated and approved by Rivet Education; all other information is self-reported. We recommend that you confirm details with each partner directly.

How are partners selected for the PL Partner Guide?
Who we are
We are a team of former classroom teachers, district and school leaders, curriculum writers, and education experts unified by our desire to see every student thrive in school. Our commitment to every learner unites us. UnboundEd works side-by-side with teachers, coaches, principals, and district leaders to ensure all students have access to grade-level, engaging, affirming, and meaningful — GLEAM™ — instruction. By cultivating the mindsets, knowledge, and skills at the heart of truly transformative teaching and learning, we can break the predictability of historic achievement patterns so all kids succeed. Let’s take the next step together. CORE Learning is a subsidiary of UnboundEd.
Types of support we offer
PLPG Icon Blue
plpg icon color

Rivet Education evaluates this information

Adopting an ELA curriculum
Adopting a math curriculum
Adopting a science curriculum
Initial implementation
Ongoing implementation support for teachers
Collaborative Planning
Ongoing implementation support for leaders
What are these phases?
Our curriculum expertise
plpg icon color
PLPG Icon Blue

Rivet Education evaluates this information

Core Knowledge Language Arts (CKLA) (2015)
Developing Core Literacy Proficiencies (2016)
Engage NY ELA (2016)
Expeditionary Learning (2016)
Paths to College and Career (2016)
Paths to College and Career English Language Arts 9-12 (2015)
Eureka Math (2013-2014)
Eureka Math (2015)
What is a high quality curriculum?
Our curriculum expertise

As a partner who exclusively supports the adoption phase of curriculum, Rivet does not evaluate their expertise in any particular high-quality instructional materials.

Certifications we've received
What does this certification mean?
Our Team



are non-white

Where we work
We have worked here
We are also willing to work here
Types of districts that we have experience working with
Traditional District
Fewer than 2,500 students
2,500 to 10,000 students
10,000 to 50,000 students
50,000 to 100,000 students
More than 100,000 students
Greater than 60% of economically disadvantaged students
Greater than 20% of English language learners
Greater than 20% of students with disability
Greater than 80% students of color
Why is this important?
We partner with educators to improve instruction, especially for historically marginalized students, so all kids thrive.

was approved for the PLPG in

July 2023


The “Types of support we offer” and “Our curriculum expertise” are evaluated and approved by Rivet Education; all other information is self-reported. We recommend that you confirm details with each partner directly.

How are partners selected for the PL Partner Guide?
Our Team



are non-white

Where we work
We have worked here
We are also willing to work here
Who we are
We are a team of former classroom teachers, district and school leaders, curriculum writers, and education experts unified by our desire to see every student thrive in school. Our commitment to every learner unites us. UnboundEd works side-by-side with teachers, coaches, principals, and district leaders to ensure all students have access to grade-level, engaging, affirming, and meaningful — GLEAM™ — instruction. By cultivating the mindsets, knowledge, and skills at the heart of truly transformative teaching and learning, we can break the predictability of historic achievement patterns so all kids succeed. Let’s take the next step together. CORE Learning is a subsidiary of UnboundEd.
Types of support we offer
PLPG Icon Blue
plpg icon color

Rivet Education evaluates this information

Adopting an ELA curriculum
Adopting a math curriculum
Adopting a science curriculum
Initial implementation
Ongoing implementation support for teachers
Collaborative Planning
Ongoing implementation support for leaders
What are these phases?
Types of districts that we have experience working with
Traditional District
Fewer than 2,500 students
2,500 to 10,000 students
10,000 to 50,000 students
50,000 to 100,000 students
More than 100,000 students
Greater than 60% of economically disadvantaged students
Greater than 20% of English language learners
Greater than 20% of students with disability
Greater than 80% students of color
Why is this important?
Our curriculum expertise
plpg icon color
PLPG Icon Blue

Rivet Education evaluates this information

Core Knowledge Language Arts (CKLA) (2015)
Developing Core Literacy Proficiencies (2016)
Engage NY ELA (2016)
Expeditionary Learning (2016)
Paths to College and Career (2016)
Paths to College and Career English Language Arts 9-12 (2015)
Eureka Math (2013-2014)
Eureka Math (2015)
What is a high quality curriculum?
Our curriculum expertise

As a partner who exclusively supports the adoption phase of curriculum, Rivet does not evaluate their expertise in any particular high-quality instructional materials.

Certifications we've received
What does this certification mean?

This partner's approach and services

Sample scopes of work
What are these scopes?
How we address equity
Our work is grounded in the intersection of standards, content, aligned curriculum, and equity. Our professional learning opportunities have objectives tied to the knowledge and skills required to deliver rigorous, grade-level instruction and the necessary mindsets to overcome systemic bias. We ask educators to unpack the standards and shifts while equally understanding the role of bias and examining their own biases. We name actions that can be taken to counteract the effects of bias. We also empower educators to understand their role in their systems to effect change and improve student outcomes.
Why is this important?
How we build district capacity
UnboundEd builds local capacity by working concurrently with teachers, coaches, building leaders, and district supervisors from the same district, ensuring that all careholder groups are aligned to a common vision of instructional excellence. We focus on teacher planning routines and the leadership structures that support them, which are foundational and replicable long after a district engagement ends.
Why is this important?
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