The Professional Learning Partner Guide features professional learning organizations and curriculum publishers offering high-quality, curriculum-based professional learning services. Use the filters below to select a provider that is the right fit for your needs
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What are these phases of support?
These phases refer to the distinct areas of support that our recommended PL partners provide to schools and school systems to support curriculum adoption and implementation.
Adoption: Services to help educators review and purchase a new curriculum.
Launch: Initial training for teachers and school leaders after they purchase a new curriculum on how to use it to support student learning.
Ongoing for teachers: Ongoing support and coaching for teachers focused on effective use of their curriculum.
System design and leadership support: Supports school system leaders with the enabling conditions and resources required for a successful implementation of the HQIM.

What type(s) of support do you need?
Rivet defines HQIM in ELA, Math, and Science as those rated ‘Meets Expectations’ on EdReports in all grade levels for their grade band (K–2, 3–5, 6–8, 9–12). If your curriculum is not listed, then it does not meet these criteria or has not been reviewed to date.