Partner Profile

Leading Educators

Systems advising and professional learning/coaching for leaders and teachers.
(504) 319-9454
Leading Educators

was approved for the PLPG in

February 2023


The “Types of support we offer” and “Our curriculum expertise” are evaluated and approved by Rivet Education; all other information is self-reported. We recommend that you confirm details with each partner directly.

How are partners selected for the PL Partner Guide?
Who we are
One of the only professional learning providers with rigorous scientific proof that our work significantly improves students’ math and ELA proficiency, Leading Educators responds to the context of a system to build on strengths and improve learning for adults so that student outcomes improve. Our equity-driven professional learning builds capacity in schools and districts so the work can thrive long after our partnerships.
Types of support we offer
PLPG Icon Blue
plpg icon color

Rivet Education evaluates this information

Adopting an ELA curriculum
Adopting a math curriculum
Adopting a science curriculum
Initial implementation
Ongoing implementation support for teachers
Educator Coaching
Leadership Support for Coaching
Collaborative Planning
Ongoing implementation support for leaders
What are these phases?
Our curriculum expertise
plpg icon color
PLPG Icon Blue

Rivet Education evaluates this information

Amplify ELA (2016)
Amplify ELA (2019)
Core Knowledge Language Arts (CKLA) (2015)
EL Education K-5 Language Arts (2017)
Expeditionary Learning (2016)
Imagine Learning EL Education K-5 Language Arts (2019)
Imagine Learning Guidebooks 6-8 ELA (2018)
MyPerspectives (2017)
Wit & Wisdom (2016)
Eureka Math (2013-2014)
Eureka Math (2015)
Imagine Learning Illustrative Mathematics 6-8 Math (2019)
McGraw-Hill Illustrative Mathematics 6-8 Math (2020)
Open Up Resources 6-8 Math (2017)
What is a high quality curriculum?
Our curriculum expertise

As a partner who exclusively supports the adoption phase of curriculum, Rivet does not evaluate their expertise in any particular high-quality instructional materials.

Certifications we've received
What does this certification mean?
Our Team



are non-white

Where we work
We have worked here
We are also willing to work here
Types of districts that we have experience working with
Traditional District
Fewer than 2,500 students
2,500 to 10,000 students
10,000 to 50,000 students
50,000 to 100,000 students
More than 100,000 students
Greater than 60% of economically disadvantaged students
Greater than 20% of English language learners
Greater than 20% of students with disability
Greater than 80% students of color
Why is this important?
Systems advising and professional learning/coaching for leaders and teachers.
(504) 319-9454
Leading Educators

was approved for the PLPG in

February 2023


The “Types of support we offer” and “Our curriculum expertise” are evaluated and approved by Rivet Education; all other information is self-reported. We recommend that you confirm details with each partner directly.

How are partners selected for the PL Partner Guide?
Our Team



are non-white

Where we work
We have worked here
We are also willing to work here
Who we are
One of the only professional learning providers with rigorous scientific proof that our work significantly improves students’ math and ELA proficiency, Leading Educators responds to the context of a system to build on strengths and improve learning for adults so that student outcomes improve. Our equity-driven professional learning builds capacity in schools and districts so the work can thrive long after our partnerships.
Types of support we offer
PLPG Icon Blue
plpg icon color

Rivet Education evaluates this information

Adopting an ELA curriculum
Adopting a math curriculum
Adopting a science curriculum
Initial implementation
Ongoing implementation support for teachers
Educator Coaching
Leadership Support for Coaching
Collaborative Planning
Ongoing implementation support for leaders
What are these phases?
Types of districts that we have experience working with
Traditional District
Fewer than 2,500 students
2,500 to 10,000 students
10,000 to 50,000 students
50,000 to 100,000 students
More than 100,000 students
Greater than 60% of economically disadvantaged students
Greater than 20% of English language learners
Greater than 20% of students with disability
Greater than 80% students of color
Why is this important?
Our curriculum expertise
plpg icon color
PLPG Icon Blue

Rivet Education evaluates this information

Amplify ELA (2016)
Amplify ELA (2019)
Core Knowledge Language Arts (CKLA) (2015)
EL Education K-5 Language Arts (2017)
Expeditionary Learning (2016)
Imagine Learning EL Education K-5 Language Arts (2019)
Imagine Learning Guidebooks 6-8 ELA (2018)
MyPerspectives (2017)
Wit & Wisdom (2016)
Eureka Math (2013-2014)
Eureka Math (2015)
Imagine Learning Illustrative Mathematics 6-8 Math (2019)
McGraw-Hill Illustrative Mathematics 6-8 Math (2020)
Open Up Resources 6-8 Math (2017)
What is a high quality curriculum?
Our curriculum expertise

As a partner who exclusively supports the adoption phase of curriculum, Rivet does not evaluate their expertise in any particular high-quality instructional materials.

Certifications we've received
What does this certification mean?

This partner's approach and services

Sample scopes of work
What are these scopes?
How we address equity
Our work addresses gaps in opportunity faced by our students that are the result of systemic oppression and racism. Equity is at the center of our mission and manifests in our programming in two ways. First, participants are asked to reflect on their own identities, biases, and contributions to systems of oppression in order to dismantle them. Additionally, equity is crucial to our content learning because it gives teachers the knowledge and skills to ensure all students engage in grade level content.
Why is this important?
How we build district capacity
Building capacity in partners to ultimately own systems of adult learning is key in measuring the success of partnerships at LE. We dedicate internal, content-specific staff expertise to work with system and instructional leaders and other stakeholders to model, co-create, and hand-off the creation of all content and curriculum-specific PL systems. These supports deepen the content knowledge and implementation base, so leaders can effectively sustain the conditions for successful professional learning.
Why is this important?
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